~ Logo designs and advertising campaigns ~


Design for a store that sells colourful socks. 

A brand specifically targeted at people who feel are different from the norm and want to express themselves.

The logo is inspired by grafiti to signify individuality.

Two escape

Design for a dating app called “Two escape”. The name is wordplay – you use it “”to escape” in a group of two.

The logo symbolises two raised hands of the people answering the question: “Who wants to go?”

The app will allow users to input ideas for experiences and locations to travel to and find partners to do them with.

Fairytale world

Design for an amusement park called “Fairytale world”, where the rides will be inspired by traditional bulgarian fairytales.

The logo consist of a bulgarian serpent called lamya that transforms into a rollercoaster.

~ Design for a company ~

Jazz Cafe Mambo

Design for a jazz cafe named “Mambo”

The logo combines a coffee bean and a treble clef (signifying the musical aspect of the brand)

Business card


Folded flyer

~ Package design ~


Package design for a corn snack with a transparent pocket.

The project contains a design for a character that represents the brand.

The design is based on pop art.

~ App design ~


Design for a weater app.

You create your own avatar and then watch as the weather happens to you!

Free ride

Design for an app that allows you to rent bikes.

The user buys a personal code that is scaned by the bike when it is about to be used.

~ Posters ~

Instagram reel abvocating for being natural during the winter season

Other posters

~ Book and magazine covers ~

~ Brochure ~